Placement test
On your first day, you will take a short written test and have an interview with a teacher so that we assess your level of English and choose the best class for you.
English classes
Our English classes are based on our school’s topic based syllabus. You will develop your language skills while discussing topics that are relevant and interesting to you. You should expect to work in pairs and groups regularly, and take part in class discussions and other activities that make learning enjoyable and fun. Classes will help you to:
• Expand your vocabulary
• Increase your grammatical accuracy
• Improve your pronunciation
• Gain confidence in using English in every situations
Project classes
In our project classes, you will use English to work on a project together with your class mates. You will be able to choose the focus of your project with help from your teacher.
Popular projects include:
• Creating a school magazine
• Surveys of Select staff or members of the public
• Making a guide to Cambridge for future students
• Preparing a presentation on your hometown